Three areas for the price of one... And three times the message power! The most comfortable three-sided pen on the market. Retractable.Colors: Frosted barrels with grip and trim in yellow, green, light green, purple, orange, blue, black or whiteInk colors: Black ink, medium point carbide cartridge, refillablePrices include any standard single color on all three sides area:2"w x 3/8"h. Imprint color and wording can be different on each side. Imprint color will match trim if not otherwise specified. No set-up charge. No extra charge to reproduce custom logos from camera-ready art. Clips imprinted area:1 1/4"w x 1/4"h, add $.08 (g) each. For two-color imprint, (on barrels only), add $.07 (g) each.Shipping: Ship wgt.7 lbs.250. F. O. B. Ca. Production 7 working days.Line name: PRO colorsBpc3f 3-sided PRO color frosted250 (min) 500 1,000 2,500-------------------------------------------------------------------------------prices51 ( c ).49 ( c ).45 ( d ).41 ( e )
3-sided PRO Color